segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

“What was the purpose of these first two days of school and what are my plans for this year?”

The first two days of school are very important for us and also for teachers. Teachers get to meet new students and get to know them better, therefore, that wasn't a problem this time, because Ms. Fernanda Silva knows most of us already, except for new students that came from all over the world; Germany, India, and Japan. The first two days of school is also the opportunity for u to know them.
When it comes to studying, the first two days of school are important because we get to know what we are going to learn this year. This specifies in getting a more specific understanding of last year's topics or even new topics. What is cool about this class is that we are required to bring our laptops so we can do an advanced research doing class. When the laptop is not in use, we are probably going to do experiments, which was what happened in the first day of school, when we did the "Marshmallow Challenge". It was designed by an adult, and most adults can't get it. Kindergartens are better, but not better than engineers and architects, which are the masters of this challenge.
The same way engineers and architects are masters in the "Marshmallow Challenge", we as students have the goal to be experts in all of our classes and go on to 10th grade. That will happen if we get good grades. To get good grades we need to study, and not just study, but pay attention in class. Well... our GPA (Grade Point Average) started. Better get going!

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