sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

"Meals on Wheel Week"

In the past week we were assigned a project called "Meals on Wheels." We were separated into groups of four people. I was part of the violet group, along with Priscilla, Erika, and Krish. Krish was the manager of the group so he told each one what to do. Priscilla did the research in the internet and in the science book for the completion of our project. Erika analyzed the 3 menus from toe to toe. And I did the entire powerpoint presentation, as Krish managed the group.

Meals on Wheels is the name of the business we work for, and we were to analyze 3 different menus. As we analyzed, we had to define it as a short term diet, or as a long term diet. In addition, we made a powerpoint presentation explaining it. We also gave the definition of nutrients; proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and water.

In the last day of the project, after we presented, we were supposed to do an assessment, analyzing it differently from the powerpoint, as if consumers would buy it, so we had to convince them of doing so. The group entirely did a really good job, and I think we are taking a good grade.

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