To explain everything we learned, we had to create a project, where we worked for a company called Zoinks, and we had to advertise what the company did, and it was all about what we learned in the past three weeks. We had many options to chose to advertise, for example: board games, stories, iPod apps, etc. I decided to do a brochure because I thought that when doing a brochure I could put more ideas in my project and possibly get a better grade. My brochure had about 10 pages and I not only explained in words, but also in images.
My goal was simple, and it was to persuade the reader to be interested in my brochure, and I made it colorful, interesting, and used a great amount of images. I planned to do a bigger brochure, but I decided not to for the fact that it could be boring and no readers would be interested in reading it.
In everything we do we have problems to deal with, and my problem was finalizing my project. When I finished it, it was Sunday night and my printer was broken. My only solution was to e-mail the project to my father, so that on Monday he would print it at his job and give it to me so I could hand it in.
For the reason that my project was a brochure, I had no way to publish on my blog, therefore, it can be examined and read in paper. It is now with Ms. Fernanda, our 9th grade Integrated Science teacher.
Evaluating myself, I think I deserve a 7 in this project, because I did everything that was mandatory and I wrote more than I should. I also used images and examples, and my project has the information required to reach an A+.